What readers are saying about this book

S.M Reine

NYT Bestselling author.

It's a richly textured world I never want to leave.

Dust Jacket Reviews

This book is grounded in characters and love but the magic itself brings this book to life. Read this book - you won't regret it. Stolen Ink is unforgettable.

Long Full And Empty With Words

Elves! Magicians! Tattoo magic! Vyx! Potentially asexual representation! Gay characters! Badass vixen hybrids! Snarky sarcasm. This was practically my perfect book.

About the author

Holly Evans

Holly Evans is an urban fantasy author with an unhealthy fascination with blades, a deep love of hellhounds, and would love one day to wake up as a fae. When she isn't wrangling rogue characters and trying to tame her muse, she's researching shiny new ninja moves. During her spare time she fights crime and rights wrongs on the streets of County Kerry.