Passion Development E-Course

This is not about telling you what you HAVE to do, but showing you how to do what you WANT to do.

Who is this Course For?

• Ministers stuck on how to keep their own motivation while motivating others

• College Students who are questioning their major and their career path

• Business owners who are exhausted of using someone else's formula for success and trying to make it work for them

• Career professionals who want to stop living someone else's dreams, and start living their own

It's for ANYBODY who wants to start living passionately regardless of what station of life they're in!

About This Course...

  • Discover how to connect your personal brand with your passion.
  • Use your tools to motivate and map out success your way.

This course is a 7-day email course that features a guidebook, motivational social media templates, as well as a 15-minute consultation.

You get this e-course at the introductory offer for $35 (valued at $75)!

Learn how to use what you already have, to invest in what you want to do. IMPACT.BUILD.WORK. passionately.

Register by July 29 and join the launch August 1.

About the Empowerment Educator

My name is Tonya Franklin. My PASSION story began nearly 4 years ago when I was placed in a position where I was in between a rock and a hard place. I had to come to terms with whether I wanted to continue doing what I HAD to do, or do what I WANTED to do. My love for my job and my conflict with my business culture came to a crossroads.

In starting my own business, I made a decision to start doing what I loved to do on my own terms, pass or fail. But one thing I was sure of, I would do it without regret. This led me to work with clients who felt the same way I did, and as an Empowerment Educator, I now want to cheer and steer you to take the path less traveled, but most desired in your professional lives. I seek to empower and educate you to be the best you.
