Kristin Fredricksson

Feldenkrais Method

Move, play, sense the change.

Explore Inner Space.

Don't play by the rules.

Rewild and unleash your creative flow. 

Send pain packing and move yourself towards better health.

 Feldenkrais Method is a radical approach to learning using movement and the brain's capacity to change: neuroplasticity. 

* Felden-krais, rhymes with rice! *

The best way to find out if this is for you is to try it. 

You can do this in a group class or 1:1 session, in-person or online.



6 week workshop:

ARK Cliftonville, MARGATE from Jan 15

MONDAYS 5.15-6.15pm


Shakti Den, WHITSTABLE from Jan 9

TUESDAYS 11am-12 noon


All classes recorded and accessible on Zoom.


These are some benefits of classes that my students most often notice:

Pain reduction

Back pain, hips, knees, neck and shoulders, TMJ, hands, wrists, feet...


Chronic pain, arthritis, Parkinson's, fibromyalgia, RSI, injury rehab...

Improves performance

Sport, music, dance, public speaking, martial arts, clarity of thought, strength, flexibility...

Mental health

Busts stress, lifts your mood, improves resilience in weathering life's storms

Easier movement

Fluid, flowing, effortless movement is accessible for all, no matter where you're at


Be prepared to be surprised... Unexpected discoveries are frequent! Aha - that's new!

Your Guide - Kristin Fredricksson PhD

I've been teaching Feldenkrais since 2005. My background is in movement theatre.

I have degrees in philosophy, drama & art history and a PhD in Feldenkrais and performance.

I'm also a mum, a keen permaculture beginner, nature lover, mountain climber, improviser, performer and Laughter Yoga Leader.

I speak fluent French and can work with you 1:1 in French if this is easier for you.

I like variety and I'm constantly learning new things.

What my students say
