Perfect Your Russian With Vladimir Putin

Learn Russian through authentic speeches and interviews of the most powerful man in the world!

Why Russian with Putin?

No, this is not propaganda, it's all about language. Vladimir Vladimirovich is famous for being an excellent speaker: he exhibits clear pronunciation, a speaking pace that is not too fast, and very idiomatic and expressive speech. So, why not to take advantage of learning from the most famous Russian native speaker on the Planet?


This Course Is For You If:

  • Your level of Russian is Pre-Intermediate and higher;

  • You are constantly searching for quality authentic video  materials with subtitles to broaden your Russian vocabulary and improve listening and comprehension skills;

  • You mostly learn by yourself and are in need of "all inclusive" course to study at your own pace;

  • You would like to have an opportunity to ask questions and get professional support when needed

What's inside?

Authentic Videos With Subtitles in Russian and English

The course is based on the interviews of Vladimir Putin where he is acting more like an ordinary human rather than a politician.  Together with Vladimir, you will go through plenty of everyday topics such as family, friends, hobbies and learn some commonly used, idiomatic expressions. 

Each Lesson Contains:

Learn Online from Anywhere At Your Own Pace

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