Are you ready to learn how to...

-Help cleanse your lymphatic system with fruit that soothes, replenishes and hydrates.

-Identify and release trapped emotions that you've been carrying for years. 

-Have tangible encounters with Jesus that brings deeper understanding of His love for you.

-Hear God speak to you through daily journaling. 

-Remove toxins from your body while releasing toxic beliefs about yourself & God.

-Practice using your creativity and sanctified imagination correctly as a powerful gift from God. 

-Give yourself a total RESET that addresses the body, emotions and spirit for real breakthrough.

3 Steps In This Free Guide:

Fruit Fasting

Cleanse your body at the cellular level by eating fruit for 3 days.

Prophetic Encounters

Be led in beautiful daily encounters with Jesus for transformation. 


Process and release trapped emotions with this journaling guide.

How to know when it's time for a physical, emotional & spiritual detox:

-Sluggish or low energy

-Skin blemishes


-Dark under the eyes

-Can't lose weight

-Little to no interest in things you enjoy

-Emotional swings that seem extreme

-Scared to talk to God/Feel like He's punishing you

-Overwhelmed and crying all the time


-Feel exhausted when waking up

These are warning signs from your body and emotions. They're trying to tell you that something is wrong. 

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, health practitioner or licensed therapist. Results are not typical, guaranteed or implied. This website is not designed to provide medical advice, a diagnoses or treatment to you or any individual. My story should not be a substitute for medical or professional care. You should always consult your physician and make your own decisions based on what’s best for you. See full disclaimer here.
