Hey friend! So you're trying to grow your business and you keep hearing that in order to be relevant you've got to post engaging content.  That sounds great but...

You're sitting there racking your brain thinking what do I even post about? 

I can't post a million pictures of my product because my followers will stop watching my stories!

Well I'm here to help you out, by downloading my list of 10 things to share in your Instagram Stories that WON'T feel like you're selling you won't have to rack your brain any longer.

In my first two years I tested out nearly every idea and found that the magic was truly happening in the Stories feature. I grew to 10k followers in that time and have now nearly doubled that in the first quarter of my third year.

I've received so many questions about how I grew my Instagram so fast and with this list I'm letting you in on my "secret" of how I create engaging stories that help me grow!

Are you ready to make your stories fun and engaging for your followers so they tune in every time that orange/purple circle appears around your name?!

Download the list now!