L Magazine is a quarterly publication

L Magazine Subscription

Bringing authors expertise to life in print for a long lasting learning experience to inspire prospective and veteran authors.

L Magazine Subscription

L Magazine Subscription

Editorial Mission Statement
“With this magazine we have an opportunity to inspire hope. To speak and connect to authors and prospective authors in a way no other publication ever has. To help authors see every experience and challenge as an opportunity to grow and discover their best self through writing and publishing. To convince authors that the real goal is becoming more of who they really are through their creativity. To embrace their life and talents as writers.

L's point of view puts a fresh spin on all the elements of a successful author — from writing to publishing and marketing, to finding the right avenue for writer's exposure, tips, tools, independent bookstores, health, finance, technology, self-discovery, entrepreneurship, and sharing their expertise to inspire hope in others.

It’s a banquet of lush images, generous in scale and spirit; a feast of good writing that offers authors compelling ideas, good sense, good taste and a good time.
The magazine conveys integrity through real authors' experiences and expertise, evokes trust, and promises pleasure. It’s inspiring, sensual, warm, intimate, energetic.
The magazine talks heart-to-heart with the reader, encouraging authors to adopt some of the tips shared by fellow authors to be a success in their authorpreneurial journey.

L Magazine Subscription

L Magazine is a quarterly publication.

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L Magazine Subscription