This entire course has been redesigned and upgraded to a workbook-based series with supplemental resources, including videos, worksheets, digital resources, and more. Please visit to see the latest version. Enjoy! :)

What's in a number?

Do your children and students understand and enjoy Math?

This self-paced Math course is built around engaging, hands-on, low-prep activities, designed to lead students into a deep understanding of the way numbers work.

This Math course will help kids develop:

  • a strong number sense
  • a love for learning, and
  • confidence in their own ability to do Math.

Wait ... tell me more ...

What is this course about?

In Part 1 of this course, students will work with ten frames to:

    Subitize numbers

    Instantly recognize amounts of objects arranged in groups of 1's, 5's, and 10's.

    Construct and Deconstruct numbers

    "Build" numbers in groups of 1's, 5s', and 10's, then "break them apart" back into smaller groups.

    Use "Math Talk"

    Turn visual understanding and explanations into "Math Talk" equations.

    In Part 2 of this course, students will work with an abacus to:


      Learn strategies that enable students to understand how multiplication works - first through hands-on activities, then transitioning into "Math Talk" equations and mental math


      See how division is "backwards multiplication," practice with big numbers, and learn tricks for recognizing factors

      2 and 10

      Spoiler alert ... ;)

      Students will learn to multiply any numbers in the world by only using multiplication by 2 and 10. (More details in the free lesson!)

      ... And they will use all these strategies to deeply understand how to work with numbers WITHOUT

      • relying on memorization of facts, or
      • perfecting the art of algorithms for borrowing and carrying numbers.

      Who is this course for?

      Part 1 is perfect for 

      • 4-6 year olds who are just beginning to learn Math, or
      • students of any age who are struggling to understand Math

      Once kids can count to 20 and understand one-to-one correspondence, they are ready to begin developing number sense through a strategic, interactive use of ten frames.

      This course will lay a foundation that will help children "own" their understanding as they advance through double-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

      Part 2 is perfect for 

      • Kids approximately 7 years old and up
      • Students of any age who are struggling with multiplication and division

      The complete course covers fundamental Math concepts from PreK - 3rd grade Math, but can be taught (and learned!) in a much more condensed time frame.

      Hands-on Math ...

      This course is built around hands-on activities and guided lessons that help kids discover how Math works, through the use of:

      • "bite-sized" video tutorials,
      • reusable practice pages
      • hands-on activities
      • graphic organizers
      • Math games,
      • automatically graded quizzes,
      • and more!

      ... and hands-off Math

      This program is designed to be hands-on for students but as "hands-off" for parents as possible. :)

      The video lessons teach the concepts, the activities provide structured practice to help students work through concepts, and the interactive, self-grading quizzes allow kids to check their own progress. In addition, you will find the following tools that help make this a low-prep course for parents/tutors/teachers:

        Pacing Guide

        A suggested pacing guide that breaks the entire course into 10-20 minute sessions with built-in daily review

        Table of Contents

        A checklist version of the TOC at the front of the all-in-one activity guide that guides you through the course

        Skills Checklist

        A skills checklist for each lesson to ensure students are mastering the skills, not just moving through the course ;)

        This course will help your students

        understand and enjoy Math

        and will help them

        build a solid foundation of knowledge that they own

        so they can confidently advance through higher levels of Math.

        What parents and teachers are saying

        "I truly love the simplicity of it, and that it comes with everything included." 

        -- Kerry W.

        "My daughter has struggled with Math ever since she began school, and has been counting from 1 every time she needs to add anything. After watching the videos, she finally got it and was so proud of herself! ... Words can't express how happy she is to finally understand this concept! Thank you so much for creating this program!"

        -- RG

        "Math Makes Sense helped me to start teaching Math in a fun way that they understood and loved."

        -- Kristen M.

        "My daughter and I are super excited to continue on in the Math Makes Sense courses. The ten frames have opened up her eyes and helped her understand math. It has helped my sanity, too, as I don't have to listen to her start from one every single time she adds!"
        -- Renee G. 

        See more?

        You can see free previews of course lessons, including:

        • Videos
        • Activities
        • Quizzes

        by visiting the course using the button below.

        What is this course worth?

        The complete course includes the following elements:

        • Teaching Math with Ten Frames ebook ($8)
        • Math games ($20)
        • 350+ pages of printable activities (approx $40)
        • 25+ online quizzes (automatically graded) ($8)
        • Self-paced, low-prep course elements (pacing guide, skills checklist, video tutorials, online course structure, etc.) created by a homeschooling mom with a Masters in Teaching, 6 years experience in the classroom, and 20+ years tutoring Math (at least $60 added value to the ebook and individual resources listed above)

        The complete course (valued at more than $120) is now available for only $65! 

        Part 1 and Part 2, purchased separately, are available for only $37 each (with the homeschool license).

        You can visit the course page

        and view a FREE sample lesson

        by clicking the button below. 

        Not the right time or the right Math course for your students? 

        No problem! 

        I'll be creating more Math courses (preK - High School) in the coming months. 

        If you'd like to join my mailing list to be the first to hear about new updates and beta testing opportunities, you can sign up below.

        You'll receive an introductory series with free samples from R.E.A.L.-World Learners, then will receive emails about 2-4 times a month after that. 

        You are free to unsubscribe at any time!
