An Easy-to-Use Music Literacy Resource For Your Classroom!


This lesson builds music concepts and skills through iconic reading, which leads to kinesthetic practice with hand signs, which leads to standard notation. Songs in this music series do not dictate the use of any particular rhythm reading system and may be used with Kodály, Gordon, French Time, Takadimi, or numerical counting systems.

Movable Do

This lesson uses movable Do and is sung in 3 different keys. Key changes become a simple concept when taught early and taught consistently, but elementary lessons with key changes are often hard to find.


Take-home worksheets may be used for practice and/or assessment. Complete the short pages at school and share learning at home.  Using take-home pages helps to build advocacy for your music program when parents, teachers, and administrators see rising music literacy levels.

Meet Frau Musik!

My mission is developing music literacy for all students beginning in elementary school. 

I have more than 25 years of experience teaching K-5 music in two different public school systems.  Currently, I am teaching online with the Missouri Launch program.  I create music education resources and provide professional development to help support other elementary music teachers like you. 

I also work in a church setting as a director and in community groups as a performer. I am currently performing with some of my previous students! 

Build advocacy for your music program by building music reading skills. 

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