One spreadsheet to rule it all.

Asana, AirTable, ClickUp, Trello, Teamwork, Wunderlist, To-do, Monday, Basecamp, Meistertask, and so many other productivity tools... 

They're all great - and the amount of functionalities is dazzling. 

But if all you want is one simple way to get a quick overview of your to-do list... then this is for you. 

I've worked with many productivity tools like the ones above in the past (and I still use several of them for team projects), but my Excel spreadsheet beats them all in simplicity.


You don't always need all the fancy nicnacs productivity tools offer.

Work offline

You can even use this Excel spreadsheet when there's no internet. 

Share with others

I save my spreadsheet in Dropbox, so my OBM has access if she needs it

Plan better

This system allows you to plan your to-dos - instead of just adding them to a long list

Achieve things

The satisfaction you get from seeing a sheet full of green cells at the end of the week...

Get more done

This simple to-do spreadsheet makes it easier to actually accomplish the tasks on it

Who is this for?

Anyone can use this spreadsheet - you will need basic Excel skills, or at least knowledge of these shortcuts: 

  • Cut & paste a cell (ctrl-X & ctrl-V)
  • Add a link to a cell (ctrl-K)
  • Copy or create a new tab (shown in the instruction video)

This resource includes a video walkthrough - watch how I use it