How many times have you felt like you can't get ahead in your career because of Self-Serving Co-Workers?


  • Does it feel like no matter how hard you work, there is always someone "peacocking" around your boss and the higher ups?

  • Do you feel like people all around you have their own "agendas"


  • And every which way you turn, there are road blocks from other people who are louder and more forceful in their wants than you are

  • How often do you think, "I just want to get my work done, without all this politicking going on!" 

Join me on Monday, June 21, at 12:30pm where I will explore the why, how and what you can do about these issues so you can:

  • Let this nonsense roll off your back like water so you can feel happy, relaxed and successful while you are focused on the work you that brings you joy and satisfaction

  • Allow the higher ups to witness you stepping into your own powerful Leadership Potential 

  • Get ahead in your career, regardless of what is going on around you

Leadership Lectures & Guest Speakers (FREE)


Followed by VIP Q&A and HOTSEAT COACHING in the Leadership Lounge ($11)


June 21, 2021, 12:30pm EST

I remember feeling that no matter what company I worked for there always seemed to a be a few people who knew how to "work the system."  

They weren't the smartest, or most qualified, or most attractive, or anything outstanding in particular at all.  But they knew how to kanoodle with the higher ups. 

They spent more time, tooting their own horn, fluffing their feathers and being in the face of the leadership team than they were working.  

And guess what?

It seemed to pay off for them!  They got promoted, they got new offices, they got whatever they asked for.

It certainly didn't seem fair, while I kept my head down, worked hard, worked overtime, worked tirelessly and endlessly without recognition. 

In fact, it burned me up inside.  I felt angry with them.  It felt like they were cheating the system.  Serving their own agenda, their own desires, and not caring enough about their workload or the company's goals. 

This was a ongoing issue for me from my very first job right out of college.  I worked at a busy advertising agency and could barely keep my head above water. My boss' boss walked over to my desk and was shocked at how many projects I was working on at once.  And he said to me, "You never tell anyone how much you are working on."  And I looked at him with wide eyed and said, "I don't have time to tell anyone, I'm too busy!"

Except he was giving me a very powerful message, that I wasn't ready to hear yet. And it cost me in my career at that company.  Because when that company laid off 20% of their employees due to a ressission, I was one of the 20% that got their walking papers, while the kanoodlers, and the self-servers, all kept their jobs.

And then, many years later, I discovered the KEY to squashing those self-serving co-workers so that I could SPARKLE & SHINE for a change.  I wish I had known sooner. 

I will be revealing this secret to you on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 12:30pm EST, at my next "Leadership Dolce: Sweet Morsels of Wisdom" followed by "Après Dolce in the Leadership Lounge" in the Leadership Lounge" where I will be doing live Q&A and Hotseat Coaching on this very topic (don't worry the Q&A and Coaching is not recorded so you can bring all your down and dirty work stories to the table for "real time" coaching!!) 

Join us at 12:30pm EST for "Leadership Dolce: Sweet Morsels of Wisdom" where I will be talking about how to "Squash Self-Serving Co-workers, so You can Sparkle & Shine"

This portion is FREE for anyone - see above link on where to join us.  

Join us after for "Après  Dolce in the Leadership Lounge" for a LIVE Q&A and HOTSEAT Coaching with me.  Bring your career and c-worker challenges and get some coaching from the expert so you can attain your career desires and goals at a faster pace. 

VIP ticket holders only - see below on how to get your VIP pass to join us in the "Lounge" 

(Your VIP Pass ($11) allows you into the "Leadership Lounge" for the entire interview so you can enjoy all the behind the scenes excitement as well as the LIVE Q&A after our panel discussion - from 12:30pm EST)


"How to Squash Self-Serving Co-Workers so you can Sparkle & Shine"


June 21, 2021, 12:30pm EST

Joanne is Certified Lifestyle & Leadership Coach with her company, Newborn Evolution,  bringing over 15 years in the Corporate landscape in Sales, Marketing & Management.  She is also an Executive Coach with both Fortune Management & Experiential Insight.

She has her MBA from Penn State University, graduating with Beta Gamma Sigma honors. 

Joanne guides career focused individuals who feel frustrated, unfulfilled and stressed out to become empowered leaders so they can attain their dream career with ideal salary and a luxurious, guilt-free work/life balance.

She is a frequently published writer and Keynote Speaker, on the topics of Leadership, Career Growth, Financial Freedom and Mindset.

She is grateful for nearly everything.

What Joanne Newborn's Clients are saying....

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