A Longer, More Comfortable Life

Isn't that what you want for your pet?

With my free arthritis mini-course, this could become a reality

Arthritis is one of the most common conditions in our pet population.  It is not just a disease of the elderly.  Obesity, ligament damage and many other conditions can make it more likely that your pet too will at some point start to suffer from this potentially debilitating disease.

Your dog or cat should not need to live unrecognized or untreated pain...

...They don't have to!

This free email course gives you a complete run-down of:

The Signs of Pain

Don't let your pet suffer in silence

Home Management

Simple changes can make a big difference

Dietary Supplements

Are they really any use?


What you need to know + side-effects to avoid


Is your treatment plan actually working?


Access to my newsletter-only resource library

"I found this arthritis series to be comprehensive and well balanced. Dr. Avery provides a very informative overview with an emphasis on compassion and quality of life. I am so pleased to have found him!"  Diana + Courtney

Let me help your pet!

Hi, I'm Dr Alex, a veterinarian since 2006 and founder of ourpetshealth.com

I passionately believe that no dog or cat need suffer from unrecognized or untreated pain.

I'd love to help make sure your pet gets the care they deserve!