Awareness & Accountability Project Fernie

What we do:

  • We raise awareness of racism against Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour in Canada and our own community
  • We hold ourselves accountable for how we benefit from the systems of white supremacy that have been in place since colonization began
  • We stand with Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour who have been harmed by white supremacy both overtly and covertly and work together for systemic change
  • We understand our role is to follow the lead of, and amplify the voices of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour in their demands for change

Why are we doing this?

  • Canadian education systems did not accurately inform Canadians about our racist history and the reality of racism today
  • Too many white people in our community believe that if they can’t see racism happening in front of them, it’s not happening
  • Statistics show many instances of racial inequities like:
    • Recently released Toronto Public Health data shows that the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting racialized neighbourhoods in that city. Similar data from British Columbia shows that Black, Indigenous, and people of colour (BIPOC)
    • Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour live shorter lives and suffer with higher incidence of chronic health conditions than their white neighbours.
    • High school graduation rates across Canada are lower for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour, incarceration rates are higher, and poverty rates are higher too.
  • Despite the fact that there are privileges that our white skin gives us, we know that all our lives would be better if racism and other forms of oppression were eliminated

Resources For Growth



We have a lot of resources to support community discussions and education.



Our children are the future. Learn together as a family with these helpful resources



Help your team thrive and ensure that you create a culture of inclusion with anti-racism training and resources. 

Who are we?

We are a group of white Fernie folk who are concerned about systemic racism and white privilege and who have asked ourselves the fundamental question - Is white silence equal to violence when it comes to this situation? 

We believe the answer is a resounding yes.

Our Vision:

A community free of racism and other forms of oppression, where all individuals are safe and respected.

Our Mission:

To raise awareness of racism and hold ourselves accountable for how we benefit from it and use our power as white people to dismantle this unjust system

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