What tips does an ancient science offer to help you achieve a healthier (pain free) period?

Ayurveda offers much insight into achieving a healthy menstrual cycle.

Whether you're struggling with:

-irregular periods

-PMS (bloating, cramping, mood swings, you name it)

-or cramping during your cycle

Ayurveda helps you understand the underlying causes and gives practical advice for achieving a healthier cycle.

This course is completely free and includes video + a downloadable checklist for you to have healthier periods starting now.

What if you discovered the answers to these questions through Ayurveda: 

How do you support your body to make a healthy, pain free, symptom free period possible? 

How do you support a more regular cycle? 

What are some ways to eliminate cramping and other symptoms throughout your cycle?

More about fertility awareness for natural contraception

This 11 module course guides you through:

  • a quick & painless overview of your anatomy
  • which hormones are dominant during each stage of your cycle
  • how to support your body in every phase of your cycle
  • how to use your body's cues for natural pregnancy prevention
  • we'll cover 3 different categories of fertility awareness (cervical fluid monitoring only, cervical fluid monitoring + body temperature monitoring, AND at-home urinary hormone tracking)
  • you'll learn about 12 different Fertility Awareness Methods that fall into those 3 broad categories of fertility awareness
  • you'll receive detailed instruction plus a one-page download with all the rules you need for charting + avoiding pregnancy for 4 of those Fertility Awareness Methods
  • we'll talk about charting when you're postpartum and you'll receive 1 postpartum charting method complete with 1 page download
  • you'll discover which type of fertility awareness methods work best for you when you have common cycle irregularities (PCOS, irregular periods, endometriosis, amenorrhea)
  • you'll even discover how to support your body when you have cycle irregularities like PCOS, luteal phase deficiency, and amenorrhea

Ready for more on Fertility Awareness for Natural Contraception?

Access the course today for healthier birth control.
