It's time to shed your biggest insecurities and finally start truly loving you!

Learn how to let go of all the ridiculous ideals of what makes a woman beautiful and start embracing all the things that make YOU beautiful!  Achieve all this and more in as little as 8 weeks!

I Love Me

It's so easy to get caught up in all the ridiculous ideals of what makes a woman beautiful. With celebrities who look perfect and Instagram models who don't appear to have any flaws at all, we all can fall into the trap of comparing ourselves, doubting our beauty, and looking for things to change.

But there's nothing to change!

I can help you finally shed your biggest insecurities, discover all the things that make you uniquely beautiful, stop comparing yourself to other women, and finally acknowledge your worth and power!

What do I get in the Body Positivity Program?

Confidence booster

Stop comparing and start acknowledging! This program will increase your confidence by teaching you how to uncover your greatest hidden gems and display them beautifully for the whole world to see.

I Love Me 1.0

Learn how to feel 100% comfortable in your own skin! Stop looking to others to make you feel beautiful and instead start giving yourself permission to love on you the way you love on others.

Discover your greatest assets

Beauty is so much more than just the physical. Discover how to go deep and bring to the surface what makes you uniquely you and gives power to your beauty.

Block out negativity

Learn how to block out the negative voices of others and let in voices of love and positivity.

Supportive group of women

Surround yourself with supportive and empowering women that will lead to friendships that are sure to last a lifetime.

I Love Me 2.0

Develop a healthier relationship with yourself mentally and emotionally by learning how to filter your time and the kind of information you take in on social media from negative self-perceptions to positive ones. 

The Coach

"I'm a Holistic Wellness and Empowerment Coach who works exclusively with women helping them create happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives through the power of wellness."

My name is Kimora Chanel and I help women create sustainable daily wellness routines so that they can not only successfully achieve all their goals, but also live their happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling lives.

I've helped my clients completely transform their mindset about setting and achieving purposeful and meaningful goals, as well as give them the skills, tools, and space needed to grow into the woman they want to be.

My clients are women who simply want to live their happiest and most fulfilling lives. Women who are ready to finally start living the life they love. Whether that's through creating a personalized wellness routine that works for them, or helping them shed their insecurities and gain the confidence needed to crush life, I work closely with them every step of the way.

My goal is to see and help you succeed so that you can confidently grow into the best version of yourself.

I Love Me!

Are you ready to let go of your biggest insecurities and start embracing everything that makes you beautiful?
