The Psyched Framework

Break the Confidence Code

Become the best version of you and show up with confidence in every facet of your life.

Does this sound like you?

>> You put others before yourself and are a self-proclaimed "people-pleaser"

>> You let doubts, negative self-talk and fear run the show

>> You procrastinate on the things you truly want in life

>> You struggle with your imperfections and let them stop you from achieving your goals

But what if you could...

>> Have the confidence and motivation to show up in your life and business authentically

>> Believe in yourself and have the ability to be your best self in every moment

>> Make decisions from a place of trust and confidence instead of fear

>> Deep down know who you are and truly accept and love yourself

We know that the place your in now is hard to be in and we understand how it feels and we want you to know it is not your fault. 

Confidence and self esteem and living a more purposeful life is something that we are not taught at school, from parents, or from society. That is why so many people are in the position they are in today, scared to go after their dreams, living a life that is just not as fulfilling as it could be. But we don't want that to be you anymore.

That's why we created our Break the Confidence Code Program


Our mission is to help you build your confidence and understand how to improve your self esteem. We want to help you realize the power of self worth and how that can transform your entire life.

This is for you if...

>> You are a procrastinator and have a lack of motivation to move forward with your dreams

>> You need validation, assurance and support to keep you on track 

>> You don't think you’re good enough or worthy enough for the life you desire

>> You want to feel better about yourself and become a better version of you

>> You have self doubt and a hard time believing in yourself

At the end of this program you can expect...

>> To have a strong sense of who you are so you can live your life to the fullest

>> Put fear aside and have the motivation to go after what you want 

>> To put yourself and your own happiness first

>> To have the tools to continue to grow and maintain your newfound confidence

See what people are saying


What's included in the program

Weekly Group Calls

1 hour calls where we answer all of your questions, go over any roadblocks that are coming up for you and address any other issues that are preventing you from moving forward

24/7 Email Support

Get extra support or the answer to any questions that come up between group calls


Like-minded people to support you and go through the program with

Weekly Videos

We will go in depth on a different component each week that contributes to improving your self esteem and confidence


Relevant material and exercises related to the weekly videos so you can actually implement what you learn

Journal Prompts

To help you dig deeper into your awareness and the areas of focus you need to work on


Q: How do I know this is for me?

A: This program will work for anyone who wants to put the effort in to building and improving their confidence. If you are still on the fence and want to talk it over with us you can book a call here!

Q: What if I can't make the coaching calls?

A: All the calls will be recorded and available for you to replay. You also can send us questions beforehand that we can answer live on the call even if you won't be able to join live!

Q: How much is it? What if I can't afford it?

A: The cost of the full program is $1,097 (Early Bird Pricing $897). If you are unable to pay in full we offer a 3-month payment option as well for $437 / month.

Q: When does the program start and how long is it?

A: The program will start August 3rd and last for 3 months.

Q: How is this different from the confidence challenge?

A: We do share and give a lot of information in our challenges, podcast and other platforms but those are just bits and pieces of the full puzzle. In this program we go deep and break it down for you, plus you get direct "theracoaching" from us!

Also by you enrolling, it means that you are stepping up and stepping in. It means that you are committed to yourself, your growth, to living your life, your way.

It’s worth it. You are worth it. Sign UP!

Q: Will it work for me?

A: This program will work for you if you actually do the program. You have to show up/listen to the calls, go through the modules, complete the workbook and journal prompts and we can guarantee you WILL come out of this program with a new outlook on life and new way of seeing yourself.

You will have all the tools for becoming the best version of you but the work is and will always be in your hands!

If you are still unsure, don't hesitate to book a call with us here!

Don’t hesitate any longer to take the steps to improve your confidence. If you don’t start now all you are doing is prolonging your own happiness. There will never be a perfect time to start this work but the longer you wait the less likely you will take action because your habits and thinking patterns will be reinforced and become even more ingrained. Everything stems from our sense of self worth and how we feel about ourselves. Without having confidence we will never be able to go after what we truly want in this world, whether that be a starting our own business, having meaningful relationships or just being happy and fulfilled in our lives. 

Don't continue in your old ways of thinking and behaving where you procrastinate and put yourself last. Use today as the day you decide to actually make a change, invest in yourself, because you are so worth it and you deserve to feel good about yourself, love yourself and move through life with confidence.

Doors closing!
