This FREE online workshop will show you:
- Fun projects to keep your kids busy, creative, and playful
- How to help reduce stress and overwhelm for you and your family
- Understanding what your kids need for their body and health
- Support for sleep, tantrums, and more
You'll learn how to create fun sensory play and how that affects your child's mood, learning, amd sleep.
We will talk many strategies about sleep and what can help your family sleep more deeply and restfully
Step-by-step strategies to learn how to calm the body and calm the brain.
Nothing felt worse than having a toddler and then school-aged kids who were bored, throwing a fit, and couldn't focus. I felt like a horrible mom and was totally out of ideas on how to help them feel their best.
We were terrified when we 'lost' our son to PANDAS. He regressed overnight and went from a fun loving, singing, and eating 18 month old to completely quiet. He stopped eating and talking and there wasn't anyone who would help.
What I learned through my son's diagnosis of PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune strep) and his regression, combined with my functional medicine training and working with children for 10 years, is that you need a multi-system approach.
If your child struggles with
Sleep - Not wanting to eat - Poor reading and writing skills
Difficulty speaking - Constipation or diarrhea - Skin issues
Eczema or rashes - Sensory overwhelm - Angry outbursts
There is something going on in the brain and body that need to be addressed!
In this class, I will share some fun creative ideas to keep the kids happy, busy, and calm (well as calm as possible).
Plus how to get more sleep at night (for everyone!)
How to support the skin through multiple systems
And lots more!
I am a functional medicine physician in Saint Louis, Missouri and a mom to 2 children, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and married to my amazing husband, Jake.
I am passionate about helping women experience freedom from chronic health issues and feel like their true self again with personalized lifestyle + functional medicine.
I wrote "The Hormone Healing Guide" and multiple books on health so you can get the help you need now as well as many other health and wellness books.
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