In this correctional facility for the children of rebels, I can't trust anything—not even my own memories.

When Serena arrives at the Emendatorium, she only aims to survive. But keeping her mouth closed and her curiosity at bay has never come easily for her.

Here, the wardens watch and wait for Serena to make a mistake. Mythomechanical machines monitor her, regulate her life, and tempt her to discover their secrets. The other inmates all have secrets of their own, and any one of them could be a crucial ally—or a deadly liability.

Most important of all, Serena must safeguard her Codex, a piece of mythomechanical machinery that holds most of her memories. Without it, she would lose her connection to magic—and her very identity.

But when a mysterious woman named Angel contacts Serena, she begins to wonder how reliable her memory really is.

Codex of Mechanical Dreamis full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing with every chapter! Get the book for free and explore the secrets of the Emendatorium.

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