Answers to Your Questions

I was an attorney also and I know you are super busy and that confidentiality is very important to you. 

I also know that you may have questions that you would like answers to without anyone at your firm knowing you are interested in other options. 

This is the place to find out what you really want to know!  

You can ask any question you have, such as what firms are looking for in a lateral partner candidate, how hiring is during Covid, the state of the market, how to know if you need a job change or a career change to be happy, whether your compensation is market level, how to know if you should stay at your current firm or look for other options or anything else you are curious about.  

I want to make sure you have all the facts you need to decide if seeking new opportunities would be the right fit for you at this time. 

Just submit your question in the form below and I will personally email you back with the answer.  No pressure to move firms or work with me, I am just doing this to help you get the answers you are looking for. 

I look forward to supporting you and answering your questions!
