How to find your Creative Identity

Are you an artist, a creative? Do you ever wonder where your creativity comes from and how much it defines you? Click the link to download your free book and discover not only how to define your Creative Identity, but how distinguishing that will empower your work and increase your audience.

In this free book and the exercises that go with it you will discover

  • What it was that had you become a creative.
  • What your 'Creative Identity' is and how it came into being.
  • How your Creative Identity impacts on you and your work now.
  • How you can use it to further empower your art
  • How you can use that knowledge to keep people coming back for more.


Andrew Wildman

As an artist who has worked in Comics, Games, TV and Film on some of my favourite characters I have had the joy of working on projects that I loved as a child. In fact it was comics and cartoons that originally ignited my young interest in drawing. As a coach I have lectured in Universities and at events where  I show how all our joys and all our barriers are the result of early childhood experiences. In this book you will discover where your Creative drive comes from, how that knowledge can further empower your work and how it will enable you to gain more interest in whatever it is you are creating.

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