Once & Future

Celtic legends and modern life collide in this saga of a contemporary woman coming to grips with a destiny set in motion generations ago. Inspired by her unusual childhood in rural Appalachia, Sarah MacAlpin is set on pursuing a career as a folklorist. She had a rough start in life, but has worked tirelessly to set herself on the right track. Just when Sarah comes closest to reaching her professional goals, a startling revelation turns her whole world upside down. 

Folklore Inspired Fiction

Whether it is fantasy set in Scotland or historical fiction set in America, all of my fiction is inspired by the stories passed down from generation to generation. 

Bookish Tools

When I'm not writing, I'm crafting handmade tools for readers and writers like bookmarks, eReader sleeves, and journals. You can find these tools in my Etsy store.

Meredith R. Stoddard

After years  working for tech companies, Meredith R. Stoddard traded the world of corporate instructional design for the wilds of independent publishing. When she isn't writing she is crafting tools for readers and writers. She creates folklore inspired fiction from a shed in the Virginia.
