Let's do this together!

True or False?
You worry about your kids.
And no, not the vanilla variety of "Am I teaching them everything they need to know?" Or "I hope they make friends easily."
We're talking the type of worry that has you constantly on alert, consistently imagining the worst (What is that spot on their back?!) and keeps you up at night certain that the future is doomed.

Friend, that isn't your normal "every mom worries" type of concern. 

That's anxiety. And trying to take care of it has probably become a dreaded chore #spillsbehindstoves -  If only you could do what everybody tells you to do. "Calm down","Relax" and "Stop worrying so much". 

You would if you could--but how does one take a break from worrying so much?

Oh, Supermom, you are in the right place.


Day 1

Find the peace & quiet you need to sort out your thoughts by learning how to give your anxiety a TIME OUT!

Day 2

Anxiety wants an outlet and often that's our families. Find out how you can prioritize your anxiety and ease the intensity.  

Day 3

Fear of passing on our anxiety to our kids can be crippling. This is a fun activity for you to do with your kids and move towards fearlessness!

Day 4

Being a mom can often mean seeing everything through a fear filter! We're going to learn how to remove our anxiety goggles and become more peaceful parents.

Day 5

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding experiences but also the most stressful and overwhelming, leading to burnout and anxiety. Let's learn how to put us first!


I'm Sarah E Ball and as soon as I can get my 5 kids fed, bathed and in bed I'll be hosting this online challenge! I can't wait to connect with you and help you survive anxiety and motherhood!

Tell a friend!
