Pack n°1 and 2 : basics & photography types and processing

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Pack 1 and 2: the basics & photography types and processing

Number of practical sheets: 30

29.99 USD

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All practical sheets are (at least) double-sided

1. Sensor
2. Focal Length
3. Exposure triangle
4. Aperture
5. Depth of field (DoF)
6. Exposure time
7. Motion blur effect
8. ISO Sensitivity
9. Histogram
10. Exposure compensation

11. Exposure metering modes
12. Shooting modes
13. P.A.S.M modes
14. Autofocus modes
15. Manual focus
16. Wildlife photography
17. Architecture photography
18. Astrophotography
19. Macro photography
20. Night photography

21. Landscape photography
22. Portrait photography
23. Street photography
24. Sport photography
25. Long exposure photography
26. Colors settings
27. Optical aberrations
28. File formats
29. Printing
30. Tone settings
