Let me analyze the activities of your online service-based business and help you improve your visibility online

Imagine if you could finally use your social media to attract the best clients for your services

Being present on social media and having a website are great, but it does not increase your income if you are not visible to your ideal clients, or if you do not put the right actions in place. 

If you want to change everything but don't know where to start, 

If your business isn't online yet

If you want to know exactly what is going well and what is not going so well in your communication on your social media, 

The analysis and optimisation of your digital service based business is for you!

You can finally realize

Why it's not going how you would like it to be, despite your efforts

How to use social media for your business 

What will allow you to attract your customers online 

What are the simple and effective actions to achieve your goals 

AND that's not all. 

We set up the first actions to achieve your goals together!

Attract your dream clients using social media

This analysis is for you if you have an online service-based business or want to launch one.
Whether you have doubts about your Facebook profile, Instagram, website or your communication, the strategies, the presentation, the text, and the images you are using, you will have your questions answered. 

If you haven't started yet and would like to receive guidance to get it right online, we'll go straight to creating your social media accounts together after clarifying your project. 

If you are looking for a detailed audit with a 30-page report, this is not it. 

This is practical information and actions! 

If you want concrete, simple and effective actions that suit you, then, this analysis together with the business coaching, are what you need!

How it goes

After clicking on the button, you will see a booking page allowing you to choose a date.

You will be able to fill out the questionnaire and make your payment.

Then, you receive a confirmation by email and message (if you choose the option). 

Upon receipt of the confirmation, the one who's working will be me, by auditing your company, its online presence, the market, your objectives... 

This is to provide you with the best optimizations so you can attract your customers online. 

You receive the audit results and we perform the optimizations together, during the meeting you have booked. 

You get a presentation of the results of the audit, recommendations, best practices, and all the explanations you need. 

After that, it's up to you to take action, empowered from after the meeting.

What you get

And there is more, you also get

For only €497!

Leslie, specialist in online organic strategies, professional in the financial sector and president of Femme rayonnante entrepreneure (Radiant woman entrepreneur). 

She helps working women create and grow their online side-business so they can exceed their revenue goals.

Are you ready to optimize your presence online to attract your dream clients?

Don't miss out on this opportunity to get: 

The analysis (or creation) of your online business' pages and social media (value €800) 

    + social media optimization done with you (value €500) 

    + best practices online for your business (priceless value) 

    For only 497€!

    This offer is available within the limits of available slots

    Our company Femme rayonnante entrepreneure and the brand Radiant woman entrepreneur are independent from Meta and Facebook.
