Supporting You and Your Family

As the leader of your family you work hard each day to make sure everyone has what they need. Sometimes it can feel like that's not enough and you're not the best parent or family member you can be. Learn to create inner peace with the day-to-day choices you make with your family.

You know the peaceful feelings when you’re on vacation or doing something you’re passionate about? 

Imagine if you could feel that every day!

Support for Families

Online Course Now Available!
Workshop Series: to Shift your Family from Frustration to Flow

Our four-part workshop series is designed for parents and family members to help you go from frustration to flow in your family relationships. Each lesson in the series is approximately 30-50 minutes in length. The series is accompanied by a summary workbook of the four practical tools outlined in each lesson to help you navigate your closest and most important relationships. The lessons include: Here Comes the Judge, Pushed for Time, Love During Hard Times, and Big Emotions Running the Show.

For more information about each lesson in the series, read below.

Purchase the course and workbook now for only $100 $80 to start helping your family shift from frustration to flow!

What happens to our love when a loved one does something we don't approve of or creates a major mistake? Jayne and Amy share about uncovering some answers, helping us see what might interfere with our ability to love unconditionally.

Find out more about the Family Workshop Series Course! Through these four lessons, Jayne and Amy guide you through a path to discover what's most important to you and provide you with a set of action steps to help before, during, and after some of the challenging moments we can find ourselves in with family relationships.

Workshop One--Here Comes the Judge: Instead of asking, "have you ever" felt judged by others about your family or parenting, we're asking "how often" have you felt that judgment? We know you know the feeling, just as we do. Unfortunately, it seems there's no shortage of judgment out there in the world. In this workshop, we'll get real about judgment—including judgment of ourselves. We will learn about judgment patterns and how to shift to more empathy and respect for ourselves and our loved ones. We will uncover the key distinction between positive and negative energy behind our thoughts and choices.

Workshop Two--Pushed for Time: What if the thing we're all striving for doesn't really exist (i.e. more time, less demands)? We'll take a closer look at the demands and pressures life places on us. With an approach from the standpoint of acceptance that there really isn't enough time in the day to do everything on the to-do list, we'll gain appreciation for the multiple transitions we face throughout our days and our life. We will explore some specific tools to keep us moving with ease and flow through the ever increasing demands, lack of time, and mounting responsibilities which we all face in our various roles. If you start this workshop feeling "pushed for time", you'll leave feeling a sense of a gentle pull toward connection and more abundant space.

Workshop Three--Love During Hard Times: Life isn't always sunshine and roses. Let's be real. And, even though we want to be feeling and giving unconditional love to our kids and other family members, how do we make sure we're consistently demonstrating that, even when they do something we don't approve of? How do you interact with your children or family members when you’re trying to guide them in a positive direction and things aren’t going well? Maybe it just feels hard or forced and ends up creating big emotions and more work for you. If you can relate and any of this is part of your life challenge, then this workshop will be well worth your time.

Workshop Four--Big Emotions Running the Show: Whether it's your toddler throwing tantrums, your teenager avoiding you, a disagreement with your adult child, you and your partner pressing each others’ buttons, or all of the above, you can learn to turn this around so it's not constantly taking center stage. We all lose our temper from time to time. What if this became the exception and not the rule? What if, when those closest to us showed their big emotions we could calmly share our loving presence without getting upset ourselves? We'll share some tools and help you experience some backstage magic in this story called "life."

Purchase the Family Workshop Series Online Course for only $100 $80 and help your family shift from frustration to flow!

Mental Fitness for Families: 8-week Group Program

Mental fitness is a term developed by Shirzad Chamine as part of his Positive Intelligence program. It refers to your ability to handle life's challenges with a more positive mindset, and less stress. We still have space available in our next group program! Contact us to learn more by scheduling an information session.

The training strengthens the part of your brain that serves you and quiets the part of your brain that sabotages you so you can handle life challenges with a more positive mindset and less stress. It's based on neuroscience, cognitive behavioral therapy, positive psychology, and performance science.

Participants in this program get access to...

  • A smartphone app designed like a physical fitness program where you are provided with daily mental exercises to expand your thinking and re-root your neural pathways toward a more positive way of being
  • A weekly focus shared in bite-sized video clips on the app from Positive Intelligence's founder, Shirzad Chamine
  • A weekly support session with us as your mental fitness coaches to help you get the most out of the program for your goals

This eight-week program is co-facilitated by Certified Positive Intelligence (PQ) Coaches Amy Koski and Jayne Willoughby who support you as a personal fitness trainer would work with you. We provide you with whatever you need to ensure your success and get the most out of the program.

As a parent, mental fitness can help you feel a daily sense of ease and flow. It helps parents meet the multiple challenges of family life. Relationships are strengthened with PQ practices of openness, positivity, curiosity, and unconditional love. Every family member will feel the ripple effects from mental fitness. Previous participants have frequently reported an enhanced sense of peace and inner joy when they commit to doing the work.

To learn more about Mental Fitness for Families, schedule an information session with Amy and Jayne and reserve your seat for our next group program!

It’s small things you do on a regular basis every day, without it feeling like a burden—it changes your whole perception on how to live in joy, happiness, appreciation.

That’s what life is about.

We all have the Judge Saboteur. It can be pretty sneaky and slippery the way it shows up, especially in our family and important relationships. Hear Jayne and Amy talk about the Judge and see if any of this might sound familiar...
