Clarity Coaching 

Events & Workshops

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Why Self Care is NOT Optional

Thursday September 9th 12:00 PM EST

Understand why self care is so important and how to ensure that you find time for yourself.

Cost: FREE

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Designing Your Morning Routine

4-week coaching package intended to assist you in creating your own morning routine. Package includes four (4) 45-minute Zoom sessions with Nicole Dupuis, certified Productivity Coach.

295.00 USD

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Have a great day!


How to Manage the End of Year Chaos

Thursday October 7th 12:00 PM EST

The end of year is often considered the most stressful time of year.  With holidays and end of year deadlines, family outings and social gatherings, it is hard to juggle.  Learn how to set yourself up for success in order to find more joy and confidence and less stress and anxiety.

Cost: FREE
