Too burnt out to scroll?

Click into the workshop for energy improving tips!

This is ideal for spiritually attuned alternatively minded healers ✅

Want to get started at self healing and in need of a few pointers to get going 🤔


A Free Workshop for those struggling with energy


We Are About To Start...

Enter the workshop ⬇️⬇️⬇️

with your best email and full name 

And receive your 

Free Pranayama Breathe technique Guide 

at the end of workshop!

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9 Commons Struggles People with Low Energy Face Daily

That this Workshop unpacks

1 - Getting out of the bed in the morning after pressing snooze 5 times.

2 - Have a constant feeling of unwellness.

3 - The small things mount up and can really get on top of you making you feel like you can't cope.

4 - Day to day chores are a battle.

5 - Feel lazy and can't make it stop.

6 - Too tired to cook or even shop for food.

7 - Been to the doctor and bloods are all fine, and still no energy.

8 - Looking forward to going back to bed all day, then your mind decides to get busy and find it hard to get to sleep.

9 - Feeling isolated or alone as no one can see the fight going on inside.


This workshop is suitable for alternative health enthusiasts and those already working on improving their health.

And Continue....

1. Improving your Health

2. Strengthen your Immune System

3. Bring balance into your day

4. Learn techniques to improve your thoughts

5. Encourage a regular yoga practice thing more!!!


Overcoming Chronic Fatigue

Tool Kit

Not Only Is The Workshop Free 👨🏼‍🏫

The Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Kit Includes:

  1. A free Guide to Overcoming Chronic Fatigue (freely available from link in Instagram Bio). 📝
  2. A free Food and Energy Diary (download right after registering). 📚
  3. Energy Balancing Pranayama Breathe Techniques (emailed at the end of the workshop). 🏆

Let's go deeper into why each is crucial for Overcoming Chronic Fatigue.....

Ready To Learn

How To Finally 

Overcome the constant tiredness?

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Meet your Host 

Finola Ní Fhoghlú 

BA Int.Arch, Dip SK, Dip A&P, Yoga Acharya TTC 1700hrs

Hi, my name is Finola

Thanks for stopping by and showing an interest this Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Workshop.

Alternative Healing methods have completely transformed my life from extreme chronic fatigue with a lack of self-awareness and purpose into a balanced and healthy Kinesiologist and Yoga instructor. 

Now it's time to share what I've learned over the past 17 years.

The world needs more natural healing methods which can completely transform people's lives!

To do my part, I'm guiding those who have found themselves in a long term low energy condition and really could use a helping hand to improve their situation.

8 Reason "Why Finola?"

Lunch at the CN Tower, Toronto Canada 

I Have.....

1. A Diploma in Systematic Kinesiology, Anatomy and Physiology and Sports Massage.

2. Become Yoga Acharya (Sanskrit for Master) in 2017 and have completed 6 Yoga teacher training's since to further my Mastery of this Ancient Art-form.

3. Integrated Energy Therapy Master, Reiki Master, trained in Magnified Healing, Rahanni, Groove Dance Method and Shamanic Practices.

4. Met and spent time in practice with a plant medicine Master in the Amazon, a Shaolin Kung Fu Master in China and a Osho disciple Guru in India. 

5. Been through Chronic Fatigue and fought my way long and hard to overcome all symptoms . 

6. Have learned an enormous amount about how the body works with excelled professionals in the Applied Kinesiology field.

7. 10 years hands on experience working mechanically on the human body using Applied Kinesiology skills, figuring out what herbs, supplements and nutrition will assist the persons journey back to health.

8. Successfully overcame a deeply wounding healing crisis, strengthened everything about myself, follow yoga principles of integrity and give out the best, because I know the universe returns it multiplied  .

Want Proof?

Don't just take my word for it, take a moment, check out the evidence, and if it resonates, I'll see you inside.

Allow me to show you

How to Overcome Energy Fatigue

In this Free Workshop!

Join the workshop now.....

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