The Glow Pregnancy Guide!

To rock your pregnancy with natural health in mind!

I created this guide to help YOU, the natural mama, in using essential oils to assist your body throughout your glow pregnancy. This 17-page guide walks you through using your oils safely, trimester by trimester, during labour, and more! Get ready to step into mamahood feeling empowered and with nature on your side!!

What you'll find in the guide:

Oil safety + basics!

Learn how to use your oils with confidence!

Uses by the trimester

Learn how to use the oils to support you in specific times!

Cue cards!

Designed and printable to help your birth partner out!


Some do-it-yourself ideas for your pregnancy & labour.

Labour checklist

This will help to make sure you have all your oil staples ready to go!

A bonus!

Why stop here, I have a mama bonus for you ;)


I hope you enjoy this throughout your pregnancy as much as I enjoyed creating it. From the bottom of my mama heart, you will feel SO good knowing you are using nature to support you during this incredible time. I know I did, which is why I'm so glad you're choosing to show up in your pregnancy this way!

Rock on glow mama!

XO Char

Learn more + get started with essential oils here!