The Science of Goal-Setting


Take part in a scientific study on effective goal-setting - and use it to work on your own goals.

As part of this study, you will get to take an online goal-setting course. And you will support a psychology grad student's master's thesis!

Why is it so hard to reach our goals - and how can we do better?

This is exactly the question I asked myself for my master's thesis in psychology.

What do scientists know about setting successful goals? It turns out: They know a whole lot! It’s just that this knowledge mostly lives in scientific papers. That's why in this study, I have attempted to build an online course based on this knowledge.

So now you can take one of two online course that were based on goal-setting research - and support my thesis research.

How Does this Study Work?

I have created two online courses based on psychological research to test how they support you in achieving your goal.

It's simple: You sign up for the study, take a psychological questionnaire, and set a goal you want to work on in the online course.

Over the next six weeks, you work on your goal and answer one question a week to rate your progress.

After six weeks, you fill out a final psychological questionnaire - and you're done! 

What do I get out of this? 

You can take one of two goal-setting courses and have a chance to move a real goal of yours forward.

When you fill out the second questionnaire after six weeks, you get to participate in a giveaway of 20 online coaching sessions with me, Iris Barzen. 

How can I join the study?

Just click th ebutton below and you will be taken to the first questionnaire. After that, you will get an email with a link to sign up for the goal-setting course (you will be randomly assigned to one of two courses). 


What happens with my data? 

Your contact information and data will only be used for this scientific study. Your contact information will be deleted after the study has ended.
You can read more in the informed consent document for study participants.

Do I have to know my goal beforehand?

Yes, you should have a rough idea of a goal you would like to work on.

Do I have to do the study to take the course?

Yes, please. These courses were developed as part of my master's thesis research - and I need at least 126 people to participate to have meaningful data. Your participation makes a difference, so thank you! 

Still Have Questions? Email me.

If you have any questions about the study, don’t hesitate to email me at

Sign up for the study
and work on your goals today.
