START feeling like you are able to take time for yourself to recharge your mom battery and STOP feeling like your to-do list is never-ending.

Do you feel like...

  • You're losing your patience with your kids and partner way too much?
  • You can't even begin to imagine how to take care of yourself because your to-do list is miles long?
  • Running errands for the family is your only form of self-care currently?
  • You're completely overwhelmed with everything on your to-do list and can't possibly begin to prioritize yourself?

Are you tired of...

  • Social media telling you that the only "cure" to the never ending to-do list is to drink a glass of wine every night and take a hot bath?
  • People telling you you're supermom but offering no help whatsoever while you feel like you're drowning?
  • Watching your partner walk past a full garbage can 10 times before you lose it and just take it out yourself?
  • Feeling like your battery is constantly drained?

We are moms. We bust our asses every single day. We deserve more than a hot meal and a 5-minute shower while a toddler peeks his head in the door, waiting for us to finish.

There IS a better solution to running a household AND taking care of ourselves.

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The drained, overworked mom's guide to keeping life Mostly Under Control

Learn how to get your shit done so you can prioritize yourself.

14.99 USD

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My name is Melanie - and I was exactly where you are right now. 

When my twins were born, my older 2 kids were 6 and almost 3. I was flooded with social media and mommy bloggers telling me that feeling the weight on my shoulders was normal and I just had to "push through." "Tomorrow is another day!" The solution was a glass of wine and bitch session with my closest internet "friends." I was no longer feeling content with this thought process so I decided to do something about it. 

Keeping it to myself would be selfish! So I've put it into a PDF with some worksheets for you and your partner and tied it up into pretty little bow to hand over to you.

What will this workbook do for you?

  • Teach you how to divide your tasks amongst your support system so it doesn't all fall on you.
  • Give you tips on how to keep your communication line open with your partner, so you stay on the same page.
  • Show you how to use your extra time focusing on recharging your battery.
  • Teach you how to meal plan (because it is one the biggest time sucks of parenthood and is a necessary evil).

What is the workbook?

It's an 18 page PDF with worksheets that will walk you through how to remove the majority of the parenting tasks from your shoulders. 

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The drained, overworked mom's guide to keeping life Mostly Under Control

Learn how to get your shit done so you can prioritize yourself.

14.99 USD

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Have a great day!
