
What is the teen accountability program? 

I start out getting to know you and your teen. They learn goal-setting for their specific grade and pace, and then I regularly check in on their progress. 

You'll have full parental access, of course, and you can discuss the progress made with them.

I want to help your teen have confidence as they tackle challenges for testing and learning benchmarks, sending them into their future with the tools they need to succeed!

Goals are Important

People who set goals are 10 times more likely to accomplish them than those who do not*

Accountability Makes the Difference

People with accountability are 33% more likely to achieve their goals than those who simple state them.**

Sometimes It Just Takes A Mentor

Teens may not articulate it, but they want to succeed. They want to make you proud of them. I help them uncover this desire in themselves!

*National Library of Medicine, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

**Dominican University in California study,

Change your relationship with your teen, one step at a time!

Schedule a discovery call with me-I'll walk you through my amazing program and answer any questions you have-no obligations, whatsoever! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my teen doesn't want to participate?

Of course, the rate at which everyone gets motivated in their own lives differs. I am here to help them and to really help with the underlying issues, not just be a performance checker. 

What if we can't make a Zoom call?

Part of accountability is making it a priority to schedule in our calls. Of course, real things happen in life, and I will be happy to work with you on these challenges. Please contact me ahead of time, if possible, so we can figure it out. 

What help do you offer if we run into struggles?

I am a teen coach, and my heart is to see your child succeed. I am always available to you for any struggles or problems you may face, and we will discuss how to overcome these together.

What commitment do I, the parent, make in this?

I am here not just to help your teen, but help you, the parent, as well. Our private group will be a safe space to work through any difficulties. Your support is important in this process, but the actual time investment should be extremely manageable; I know we have busy lives! 

Teen Accountability Subscription

- Online platform: no need to make major changes to your schedule!

- Monthly zoom call for your teen: the help you know they need!

- Full parental access: build a new bond with your teen!

- Parent Facebook group: people with the same questions!

Grab this now for only £40/month!

Have a question?

Still not sure? I'd absolutely love to connect with you, whether you want to join this program or not! Let's have a chat over a cup of virtual tea or coffee, and get to know one another! 
