You are not alone in your sorrow.

"I never thought I’d be That Mom, the one with a story that can stop the room cold, the one who prays that strangers won’t ask certain questions. Even now, five years after burying my daughter, I still find it unbelievable that this is my life. They say that grief is like ocean waves, huge crashing waves that threaten to knock you off your feet, swift and sudden. Sometimes you see them coming; other times they hit out of the blue, without any warning. As time goes by, it seems like the waves get smaller, more gentle. But they never truly go away. The waves of sorrow will always be part of my life."

Do you need to know you're not alone? Are you struggling to make sense of the grief that you feel? I will never promise to provide answers for you, but I will promise to help you feel like you're not alone.

In this short eBook, I explore:

  • The Work of Grief
  • The Pain Healer we find in Jesus
  • Finding Redemption in our Sorrow
  • Grieving as a Family
  • Grieving as a Friend

This is a book for those who are struggling to find the purpose in their deep sorrow. It's a book to help you find the meaning in your own story. No matter what grief you hold in your heart, no matter the details of your child’s life…. your memories, whether a small handful or a giant pile, are precious to Jesus. There isn’t a tear that has fallen that He has not seen.

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Hi. I'm Sarah

Hope & sorrow. Joy & grief. When we lost our daughter, Annie, I didn't know that there could be joy in the midst of my grief, or that I could experience hope even as I waded through the sorrow. But I've discovered that we find Jesus in our deepest pain. He enters into our brokenness and gives Himself to us. I write as I stumble along, clinging to Jesus who tenderly holds my broken heart and hands me joy & hope. May you find deep comfort in these words, knowing this story is for you, too. 
