Want 20 minutes in the Ideas Hothouse?

"INCREDIBLE! I'm buzzing with ideas!"

Jennifer Szczepaniak Sloane, Dark Horse

A Hothouse session is 20 minutes of pure creative thinking, working with Allotment owner Jodie Newman on one of your business challenges.

It's one of the fastest ways to get new ideas and fresh perspectives on your business, with creative thinking tools that you can use again and again after the Hothouse session. 

So how do you get into the Hothouse? There is just one Hothouse session up for grabs every month in the Allotment - you can't buy it, beg it or steal it, but you can enter your details below and every month the entrants' names will be written on plant makers, mixed together in the wheelbarrow and one randomly picked.

If you are the lucky recipient, you will be invited into the Ideas Hothouse via email. If not, your name remains in the wheelbarrow for all future monthly draws, so you only need to enter once. 

You're only five questions away from entering, and four of those are contact details, so you'll be in that wheelbarrow before you can say 'phew, it's getting hot in here'. 
