5 specialized training videos

Day 1

Revealing the plan

Day 2

Infant/toddler/gradeschool moms

Day 3

Tween and teen moms

Day 4

Young adult/empty nesting moms


Day 5


Pray your list

  • practical prayer plan 
  • daily list tracking tips
  • screen time awareness and boundaries
  • a secret formula, straight from Scripture.
  •  Customizable plan for your season 
  • Pray Your List Handbook
  • 5 days of live, specialized training with resources
  • BONUS select Facebook group 

Prioritize through prayer

Make 2018 your most productive year yet.  Don't wait, purchase Pray your List and learn to effectively steward your time God's way!

*Upon purchase of Pray Your List, you will begin receiving our Newsletter from Ruthie Gray.Mom, full of weekly freebies, parenting advice, humor, and practical application of Scripture to everyday mom life.  You''ll also receive our Wife and Mommy Survival Kit!  Best of all, we'll notify you when the class is ready to roll!