Menopause Mini Makeover

What do you get?

Lifetime access to this e-learning course which will help you to make sense of menopause and give you the confidence to get the right treatment for you.


Understanding Menopause

What you'll learn:

What menopause is, when and why it happens

What's going on with my hormones

How many symptoms?

How you can manage your symptoms using medical and non medical options.

Lifestyle habits - how your NESST impacts your menopause


Your Menopause Philosophy

What you'll learn:

How to use your ABCs to feel more empowered through menopause

Acceptance - turning a negative into a positive experience

Beliefs - reframing negative expectations into powerful forces of positivity

Choice - putting you firmly back in the driving seat of your menopause

    MODULE 3        

 Bonus Module

What you'll get

A comprehensive e-book covering HRT, NESST and how to get the best from a visit to your GP.

Menopause can feel scary and mysterious and can leave us feeling out of control.  It's like an alien has taken over our body and and somehow we've had a brain transplant.

The good news is, it's a totally natural part of the female lifecycle and once you know what you're dealing with you can feel completely back in control.

Dr Google has endless information about menopause, but trying to separate the wheat from chaff is difficult.

What's good information?  

What's nonsense?  

I totally get it.  I spent endless hours trying to find the well researched, evidence based information I needed to help me figure out how to manage my menopause.

There really is a lot of nonsense out there on the internet and it can make you feel even more scared and ill prepared.

In this short mini course I'm sharing with you everything you need to know to feel confident to take control of managing your menopause.

I'll teach you the what, the why and the when, as well as helping you to identify your symptoms and get the right treatment FOR YOU.

And that's the big problem with the information out there on the internet.  Everyone is telling you what you SHOULD be doing but we are all completely different and what is right for one person won't necessarily be right for someone else, and you need the solution that is right for you.

That's why not only will you learn the theory and knowledge you need to understand menopause, in Module 2 you'll also explore your own personal philosophy around how you want to manage your menopause, your way.

Menopause symptoms change as we move through the different stages and what you need will change to.  That's why you've got this course for life.  So that you can go back as often as you need to get the information that's right for you when you most need it.

A consultation with a private menopause specialist can cost anywhere from £250 upwards and that's just for one consultation, never mind the tests and medication costs on top.  

For just £49.99 you'll have access to the  most recent, evidence based information about menopause which means you can go to your own GP fully armed with the confidence to get the outcome you deserve without spending hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds on private consultations.

Meet Bev Thorogood

Bev is a Coach and Trainer with over 15 years in Learning and Development and a background in health and wellbeing.

She is the Director and Founder of Floresco Training Ltd and author of 'The Business of Menopause - A Guide for Working Women'.

She is dedicated to helping working women to continue performing at their best through menopause and beyond.

She set up Floresco Training Ltd following her 32 year career with the Ministry of Defence.

Working in Learning and Development for the Royal Air Force, in her last 2 years she struggled with anxiety, high stress, memory issues and poor concentration.   All of which, although unknown to her at the time, were directly related to the onset of perimenopause.  She was also formally diagnosed with ADHD in Jan 2023 and delivered a TEDx Talk entitled ADHD in Menopausal Women in September 2022 highlighting the lack of research looking into the impact of hormonal changes on ADHD.

Making the decision to leave her career in March 2018 she set up Floresco Training with the aim of raising awareness of the impact of menopause on working women through training and coaching.

To date Bev has helped hundreds of organisations and thousands of women (and men)  understand the impact of menopause on working women.

Bev is a certified nutrition coach, personal trainer and transformational change coach.  She's also an NLP practitioner and holds a degree in Business and Enterprise.
