Why Does Your Business Need a Blog?

Your customers really want to know what makes your business unique! In other words, the behind-the-scenes, how-and-why, social responsibility… that’s what your customers want to know more about!

Business blogging helps to share your company’s persona and turns cold traffic into warm traffic. This gives you a competitive edge and generates more leads. Keep on scrolling to read why you MUST create content regularly!

Allows Genuine Communication

Blogging lets you communicate with your customers and establish a REAL, trusting relationship.

Business blogs put your products or service in a casual light. It makes the “nuts and bolts” behind your product understandable.

Better SEO

Creating content on a regular basis helps to improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It is important because it increases rankings for your website so they can be found on search engines. In other words, it allows potential customers to find and connect with you on sites like Google, before your competition.

Websites with blogs have 97% more indexed links and 434% more indexed pages.

Increase in E-mail List

I know you have an email list, right?

If you don’t, then you should (or call me directly because you are in a state of emergency!).

If you have blog posts, you can easily incorporate opt-ins with your email marketing tool of choice to help build your e-mail list.

Greater Social Media Presence

Do you have a hard time figuring out what to post on social media? Well, you wouldn’t be if you had a blog! 

Business blogging provides content that can be repurposed on your social media platforms to engage your consumers on a regular basis.

I know you have a great product, but that’s not always enough to push the customer-to-consumer change. Your customers are smart!

You must GIVE your potential customers or clients something. Information and education can all be shared using a blogging platform.

So, How Can I help Your Business?

  1. I can help you capture your brand voice and tell your story, just as I have shared mine with the world. Read more of my stories from my blog HERE.
  2. Provide SEO optimized blog posts with keywords to show your customers a true picture of your brand.
  3. Use WordPress?- no problem. I love WordPress.  I can enter your posts directly, or email them to you.