Mental & Emotional Balance

Based on Health Psychology

Learn how to permanently stop the effects of stress on your body.

Instant Relaxation, Long-Term Results

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Anchor the healing with daily, evidence-based relaxation tips that easily fit into your day.

Juice Power

Juice recipes, meal plans, and daily support

You're not doing this alone! Whether you're a beginner or more advanced, we have live Office Hours and Coaching Calls whenever you want more support.

About Your Instructor

Dr. Erica King

Hello -- Thanks for checking out my course!

If you are interested in feeling good, improving your health and reducing stress, this course is for you.


Juicing is a curative treatment that can help the body heal from any condition.

It is a preventative habit with holistic healing benefits that last months, even beyond a year in some cases. 

Plus, I'll be with you every step of the way! And I'm a HOOT!

So put your deets in the box above and Take The Course:) 
