
Imagine what it would be like to feed yourself the kindness of waking up a little earlier to bask in the pregnant silence of morning. Imagine that while you sip from your  steaming mug you give yourself permission to indulge in things that delight, center and nurture you, before the requests start coming in from all who depend on you?

The reality for many of us is that the only possible time to do anything for ourselves, is in the morning. When we act on our self care first thing as we start our day, it has more of a chance of being maintained in the long run, because it’s only in the morning that there’s the least possibility of interruptions.


How would you respond to those requests from your work and loved ones if long before you approached them, you already had fed your heart, mind and body a heaping dose of TLC?


The final frontier though as many of now, is actually waking up earlier to to make that possible.

Many of you reading this may think you have to white knuckle your way out of bed and exercise a heroic demonstration of willpower but, it needn't be so. There are foundational steps we can take the day before that eases us gradually into the position where we can easily get up earlier.  In fact sustainable self care in the morning begins long before our heads hit the pillow at night.


Here is a handout of 5 things to change BEFORE you begin practicing your morning  self  care habits


As a working mom I know first hand how hard it can be to begin and maintain self care morning habits through the ups and downs of life. Replacing the way I do these 5 things has remarkably made maintaining my morning self care  easier. Take this printout as a visual reminder and try it yourself !
