FREE GUIDE: A practical guide to improving your resume in a snap

You have 8 seconds to catch a recruiter's attention!

You'll find clear instructions for our simple 5 sentence method (that should actually just be patented) to perfectly describe past job experiences.

This guide was written for you by Kumous: Minna Rantama & Anna-Maria Leogrande

We help you to show the world how brightly you shine.

Kumous helps multi-talented people with diverse work experience and training backgrounds to land jobs that they totally love.

In this guide, you get to take a secret look at Minna’s CV!

I downloaded the guide!

MSc in Social Science, 33 years old

After I graduated last december, I asked myself what I would want to do if I didn’t have any fears or doubts about job hunting. I tried to keep that in mind while I updated my CV, but it was challenging to explain my very diverse job experiences. I downloaded this guide, and it felt like the universe answered my questions and helped me to discover my key competence. This guide gave me a helpful framework while still letting me have the freedom to be me. After graduating, I landed a great job as a project manager that combines my social science education with my experience as a customer service agent.