NEW, from Jim Chuong:

This week only (Dec 12-19, 2021)! 

Financial Freedom 

Coaching and Mentoring Program

Do you want me as a mentor and coach, helping you step-by-step on your journey towards Financial Freedom? I am taking on students for this week only.  Sign up below for more info (you'll also get some cool FREE stuff like my latest guide called 5 Ways to Reach Financial Freedom Faster):

On this page, I usually just give out a FREE e-guide called

5 Ways to Reach Financial Freedom Faster. 

But you've come here during the Launch Week of my new program.  I've been working on a Live Coaching and Mentoring Program and I'm opening enrolment for this week only.  Spots are limited and going fast, so if you want in or want to know more, fill out your details!

Or, if you just want my FREE guide, I'll send that too.  You'll just get a few extra emails about my upcoming program for the next week also.

Below is my regular promo for my FREE guide:

Would you like to have more money 💰💰💰 than you know what to do with? And not have to worry about budget when buying stuff you like, travelling, or enjoying your life?

Then sign up to my early-bird VIP list, and reserve your FREE copy of my guide!

I'll be covering 5 of my favourite ways that I've personally used to become a millionaire several times over! 

  • Warning!  this is NOT your typical B.S. Get-Rich-Quick nonsense.  Instead, these are just solid, tried-and-true methods that work, based on sound Financial Fundamentals.

With these methods, I've built myself a ROCK SOLID FINANCIAL FORTRESS, that provides me and my family with freedom, security, and multiple streams of automatic income. The best part is that most of these methods are super simple, and half of them can be put on autopilot.


In my guide, I'll introduce you to my childhood friend. I've known him since we were kids. He came from super-humble beginnings and is also a self-made multi-millionaire too. (What are the chances we BOTH became millionaires, right? It isn't luck. Our methods work, we know what we are doing, and they can work for anyone.) He's a unique personality with some great secrets that I've convinced him to share. His story is super interesting, but more about that in my upcoming guide! 

Go get it! ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Jim Chuong

🇨🇦 Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Investor. Author. Speaker. I want you to be financially free! Education not advice. 🇺🇸
