Every partner we have dated, slept with, had a relationship with, we hold in our energy. 

The experiences and relationships we have had, we hold in our energy. 

We can be energetically tied to our exes. 

These past relationships, no matter whether it was one night or several years, will influence how you show up in your next relationship. 

When you let go energetically of your exes, you clear your energy and any ties to them, which means you aren't taking all the resistances into a new relationship. 

It means allowing your energy to be open and ready to receive that ideal partner and relationship. 

It means you are entering any new relationship with your energy wholly you. 

This workshop is perfect for you to let go of any exes that might be lingering in your energy.

You will feel more confident and have love and acceptance for who you are and what you've experienced. 

You will be more magnetic to the partner you want, who supports and respects you as you are.  

You will attract the relationship that brings you love and happiness.

This is for you, if you:

  • Find you are constantly thinking about your ex. 
  • Are blaming them for how things turned out and can't move on. 
  • Have insecurities and worries that are from past relationships and they keep showing up in your new relationships.
  • Find you aren't moving on to find a new partner, and feel stuck. 
  • Are social media stalking your ex.

When your energy isn't whole:

  • You don't feel as confident. 
  • You may find you don't feel energetic and happy.
  • You don't really know yourself, or what lights you up.
  • You lose yourself in a relationship.
  • You lose touch with what is important to you. 

So, when is the workshop?

The workshop is on Saturday 18th June at 3pm BST. 

The workshop is £30 for the 2 hours

You will have exercises to work through and I'll be there to guide you through the session. 

I'm so excited for you. Clearing your exes from your energy is such a fantastic exercise to do and allows you to step forward in the right energy. 

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Be free of your exes.

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Check out these testimonials from women who have worked with me. 
