The Five Core Feminine Wounds impact all women by virtue of us having been born into female bodies.
They stem from our own unique life and soul experiences, past lives, ancestral / karmic patterns and the collective experiences of women since the beginning of humanity.
When left unhealed, they continue to run our lives through subconscious beliefs and behaviours and can stop us from achieving our dreams, feeling truly at home in our bodies, and enjoying our lives.
The monthly healing circles are an opportunity to come together in sacred circle to release, clear and transmute these wounds in a safe and supportive container.
I am SO ready to jump in!
Drop-In (one circle):
Euro 30
12-Circle Bundle: Euro 255
(saving of Euro 105!)
What Are the Five Core Feminine Wounds?
The Mother Wound
The mother wound is a multi-layered one and can relate to relationships with our own mothers as well as our experiences as mothers or to-be-mothers.
Perhaps your own mother is/was controlling, manipulative & never satisfied with your efforts to please her; OR weak and unpredictable, emotionally or physically absent, or unable to provide you with what you needed growing up (or now); OR smothering in her affection towards you, scared that something would happen to you, and therefore overly protective. Perhaps she was troubled by trauma carried on generationally from her own mother (and beyond). Even in the most balanced and loving relationships, there are often subtle undercurrents of comparison, envy, needing to please, not wanting to overshadow etc.
What about your own experience of motherhood?
Did/do you want to become a mother, but have not been able to? Do you not want to become a mother, and feel the criticism? Have you lost a child due to miscarriage, abortion or early death? Was your birth experience traumatic? Is the relationship with your children challenging? Do they feel like a burden to you? Are you struggling in your mama-hood experience with very little support?
All of these experiences leave scars inside of us and can make us feel unworthy and unimportant, or lead to feelings of guilt and shame that we carry for years.
The Sister Wound
The Sister Wound is about our relationships and experiences with other women.
There is so much criticism, judgement, mistrust, backstabbing and comparison between women - we tend to consider each other a threat and tear each other down rather than lift each other up.
These experiences tend to start quite early on - I have many, many childhood memories of measuring my worth by comparing myself to other girls/young women and their bodies, poise, and success...
I found it easier to relate to men and it had been hard to establish long-term relationships of trust – and later on business collaborations - with other women, as these always felt more threatening than giving.
The Sister Wound is the result of centuries of patriarchal suppression and programming about our worth and power.
One of the most traumatic periods in history is that of the Witch Hunts, during which women - midwives, herbalists, healers, shamans... women unafraid of being in their power and speaking their truth - were being denounced as witches by others, including their friends and family, and burned on the stake...
These experiences live on in our cellular memory and continue to impact on our relationships with other women.
The Body Wound
We live in a culture that goes to morbid lengths to create standardised notions of beauty and that has created a lucrative business around expectations on how we should look - and manipulates us into thinking that there is something wrong with the way we are.
Many of us go attempt to forge our bodies into certain shapes, be it through frantic exercise routines, strict diets (sometimes resulting in complex eating disorders and even death) or invasive surgery. We pay large amounts of money for cosmetics and accessories and spend hours putting on make-up.
We have also, over time, come to believe that our bodies' innate creative and healing systems pale in comparison to advances in modern medicine, with the over-medicalisation of pregnancy and birth being a potent example. We are monitored and observed and poked throughout our pregnancy and encouraged to give birth in hospitals in highly monitored settings (sometimes, modern medicine is of course, vital).
In the light of the past three-four years, body autonomy (our right to make decisions about how we treat and what we put inside our bodies) has become an increasingly important concept, not to mention the intentional push towards gender dysmorphia and trans-humanism.
The Menstruation Wound
Menstrual blood – the most sacred and healing of substances on our planet – has been turned into something that we should be ashamed of and hide, that is considered dirty, a monthly nuisance - and sometimes even a curse.
Many choose to use hormonal products to alter or stop their cycles altogether, and many more push through painful periods and ignore or medicate the tiredness, irritation and sadness that often arises either prior to or during our bleeds.
Few of us track our bleeds, how we feel at various points of our cycles and how they may be connected to those of the moon. We have also forgotten that even those of us who no longer bleed (we may have reached menopause or had a hysterectomy), continue to cycle energetically until we die.
For many, the experience of menarche (the first bleed) has been quite a traumatic one - sometimes scary and often embarrassing or humiliating.
Celebratory coming of age rituals and rites are not widely practiced in the West and even in those countries where rituals are more common, the onset of menses is often treated as an opportunity to teach girls about obedience and how to please men, sexually and otherwise.
The Womb Wound
In ancient times, women – as physical carriers of wombs – were revered and honoured not just for their ability to birth and nurture life, but to connect to ancient wisdom and multi-dimensional knowing, and bring forth healing with the alchemical powers of our wombs.
As a seat of creation, the womb is also at the forefront of all creative endeavours from birthing new ideas and innovations to writing a book and starting a new business.
Because of this power, our womb wisdom has been systematically silenced for thousands of years. Our physical wombs have been exposed to forced hysterectomies and sterilizations and our inner knowing and connection to the cycles of the moon and the seasons have been ridiculed all over the world.
Our wombs also carry cellular imprints of traumatic occurrences from our own life and soul experiences as well as other lifetimes. We can also carry trauma that was experienced by our ancestors (mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers and beyond) as well as that faced by women as a collective in different parts of the planet.
Take a deep breath, Sister!
What's Possible For You When You Join?
Many clients tell me that as a result of joining the circles they feel
Our Schedule
2024 2025
What to Expect
You will be held in a safe and non-judgemental container for deep healing and transformation, where you have the opportunity to release wounds and trauma that may have been stuck in your cellular memory, womb and DNA for decades, if not centuries. You will experience the power and magic that happens when women, dedicated to their own healing (and that of the planet) come together in sacred circle.
Duration of the Circles
The circles are approximately 90 minutes - sometimes a little bit longer, especially if we are working in a larger group.
I recommend you to save enough time in your calendar to attend the whole event, and to have at least 20-30 minutes downtime after the circle to rest and integrate the experience.
Timing & Location of the Circles
The circles take place on the third Saturday of each month, at 7pm CET (Austria, Germany, Belgium, France...).
To find out what time this is for you, click HERE.
We meet on Zoom. The Zoom link is provided within the day before the gathering.
What If I can't Make it to a Circle
You can join the circles on a drop in basis at Euro 30 per circle, or pay for a bundle of 12 circles at once, at Euro 255. This way, you will save Euro 105.
If you know, in your heart of hearts, that the Five Core Feminine Wounds as a whole are blocking and stopping you from stepping into your sacred feminine power and from shining your light, then the bundle is for you.
Even if you did not resonate with a specific theme, you are likely to find that when you start processing it in the circle, memories, insights and healing opportunities will arise.
You will benefit hugely from the forever access to the recordings, and can return to specific themes whenever you wish, working at a deeper layer every time.
You Can Join Us Here
Drop-In (one circle):
Euro 30
12-Circle Bundle: Euro 255
(saving of Euro 105!)
Refund Policy
No refunds issued. We trust you are as committed to your healing as we are. All calls are recorded with forever access, and you can watch them at your leisure.
Client Love
Emmi is an intuitive healer, energy medicine practitioner and a shamanic Womb Priestess and teacher, dedicated to re-awakening ancient feminine wisdom. She works with women one on one and in groups, both face to face, online and in retreat settings with the intention of raising the frequency of our planet and fostering healing one womb at a time.
Trained in various healing modalities, Emmi creates sacred, safe, and non-judgmental spaces for deep transformation and facilitates the emergence of authentic connection, profound knowing and inner power for women of all ages around the world.
Founder of Feminine Revered, Emmi also hosts the Sacred Feminine Power podcast, is a two time best-selling author, and runs House of Gaia, a suburban sanctuary and a centre for healing & transformation in Lusaka, Zambia. With an MA in Human Rights, Emmi is dedicated to women’s and child rights and is an advocate for health freedom
I look forward to supporting you on your journey!
Drop-In (one circle):
Euro 30
12-Circle Bundle: Euro 255
(saving of Euro 105!)