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The sight of a vast mountain range marching off into the distance has the power to stir my soul like nothing else. At key points in my life, God has planted this little MidWestern girl within view of such grandeur, fortifying me with a tangible reminder to keep looking up!

The three years I spent in grad school in Colorado provided just such a reminder. The campus led down to the river, boasting a riverwalk that stretched for miles within sight of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Driving back to my apartment from weekly trips to the grocery store, I relished the curve in the road that restored the sight of that mountain panorama, in awe at God’s goodness to take a routine task and imbue it with wonder, every single time.

I was sure I had come to stay ...


These days my to-do list is just as long as ever. My current work is in my home alongside my children. I am constantly moving, rarely sitting, often thinking about what needs to be done next. Now, though, I have learned to pursue quiet moments with the Lord early in the morning, and I am learning little by little to bring that stillness with me as I go about the day. Like David, I long to seek after the dwelling place of the Lord at all times. To seek His stillness, amid busyness; His rest amid chores; His sanctuary amid battle.

This means a constant surrendering of worry, frustration, and perfection to give place to trust. It means setting all else aside but God’s perfect will. Every day may I seek Him—and seek to trust Him—no matter what that day may look like ...

reaching for Eden

Every day that we wake up, we feel it: the not-right-ness of this world we’ve come to call home. It threads through sleepless nights and endless strings of mundane moments. It is present in war zones and dark alleys, school shootings and church scandals. We hear its echo in wailing sirens and grim prognoses and final goodbyes. It can even cast a shadow over moments of joy.

Something writhing within us cries out for God to intervene.

Couldn’t He stop this? Change things? Make things RIGHT?!?

He could. He is. He will.

But rarely does it look the way we expect …
