Join our Allergy Directory

Connecting the allergy community with allergy related products and services. 

Reach more people in the allergy community by listing your business in our Allergy Directory today!

Here's what's included in your listing...

Logo link to your website

Add your Business Logo and we will link it directly to your website

Social Media Links

Allow potential customers to connect with you on your Social Media  profiles (up to 4)

Multiple Category Listing

List your business in up to 3 different categories for even more exposure.

Business Description

Let the world know who you are and how your business can help them. We have readers waiting to know you and how you can help them. 

Social Media Callouts

When you list your business we will give you regular shout outs through our  various Social Media platforms. Got a sale coming up, let us broadcast it to our readers.

Newsletter Feature

Let us tell our community about you in our newsletter. When you join we will feature  you to our readers and then tell them about any specials or new products you may have in subsequent months.

List your business for 12 months

Only $97

If you would like to list your business in our Allergy Directory, please fill out your details below. We will be in touch shortly, and advise if your application has been approved or not. Thanks so much. Looking forward to connecting you to our community. 
