What if you could dress to MANIFEST?

What if changing the way you show up could change the way you attract?

The top things I constantly hear from the women I know are…

“I don’t feel confident enough to do it.”

“I don’t think I have what it takes.”

“I feel so awkward and ungrounded when I talk to new people.”

“I’m afraid of being judged if I put myself out there.”

And I’ve been there. I’ve felt so lost, upset, and unable to figure out who I really am.

But I find what really helps me root in a sense of identity is — maintaining my own style and confidence.

And in my new masterclass, I want you to understand the foundations to do exactly that.

Studies show that when you show up looking the way you want to, you start to also act as if it’s a reality.

What if I told you that a big way to manifest what you want is through embodying your personal style?

In my free masterclass happening June 13-16, I show you the secrets to figuring out how your body can align with and love everything you wear.

And when you feel your best because you look your best (no matter what body type, skin color, or height you are!)...

You’re going to also start acting your best.

That’s why I created the M/I/N/D Style and Confidence Masterclass to help incredible women, like you, who feel stuck in their wardrobe change how you think about style FOREVER!

During this LIVE experience, you’ll learn how to tame the inner self-hating, mean girl, understand your body shape, choose your style personalities (yes, you can be more than one!), and do it all with unshakable confidence!

In just 4 days you’ll learn how to master your style, create a personalized guide to reference anytime you need support, and a unlock a FREE 30 minute call with your personal style and confidence coach, Yolandie Hamilton, on how you manifest what you want with how you look.

PLUS - There you’ll get exclusive bonus giveaways *because you deserve it*!

My clients LOVE this method for approaching all things style-related, on their way to the life of their dreams. And I want the same for you.

I’ll take you through:

I believe once we go through all of these, we can find a way to independently style ourselves to be the sophisticated, sexy, poised people we already are on the inside.

The outside can help us make the changes we’ve been looking for… and give our attitudes a makeover too!

So what are you waiting for?

Register and save a seat — for free — to revolutionize the way you approach your personal style!
