Join the 40-day Growth, Abundance, and Prosperity program!

How to grow Prosperity in your Current Life

What is it 40 Day Growth Abundance & Prosperity? MS says this program, “…quieted down the negativity that I was unaware was in my life.”

Who is Dr. Katie Nall, your EFT Certified Instructor?

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40 Day GAP Prompts

40 days of daily journal and tapping prompts emailed directly to consumer for GAP - Growth And Prosperity

297.00 USD

The 40-day Growth, Abundance, and Prosperity program!

Welcome to the program! You should have an e-mail in your inbox that gives an introduction to the program.

Tomorrow and for 40-days you will receive an e-mail that will give a journal prompt and a tapping guide with prompt.

Thank you for the purchase and enjoy your growth.

Join TODAY to quiet your negativity

40 days:

  • Every day for the next 40 days, you'll receive an email around 6:00 a.m. Eastern time to encourage you to spend a few minutes to read, reflect, and journal.
  • The email will also have a “tapping prompt” to help move you past emotional blockages to your Abundant Birthright.


  • You know that you know that you know that you are worthy of more – yet your life doesn't reflect it.
  • Growth in this program is multidimensional – from the strength to set boundaries, to career changes, to financial freedom. Growth is personal and unique. Past participant Susan cites “Amazed at how we are handling REAL growth”


  • Another past participant reflected: “I’m thinking more and waking up with abundance.” P. Williams;
  • Not just financial (for many it is financial), but also emotional, spiritual, and personal. Note: past participants have admitted to being spiritual, religious, and atheist and still each has identified more abundance in their lives.


  • Means many things to many people. Some found “I have everything I need” to define the prosperity I want.
  • Some were surprised to set goals and then acknowledge the goals were already met in their lives. They discovered this program allowed them to acknowledge their abundance birthright in spite of opinions of family or friends who tried to hold them back.

Program Benefits:

  • Daily journal prompts will encourage you to write daily and focus
  • Daily tapping prompts will open your mind and spirit to new possibilities
  • Additional tapping exercises will help to remove money blockages –many recipients report feeling lighter using these prompts.

Join TODAY and start your Growth, Abundance, & Prosperity


  • Downloadable affOrmations to listen to nightly before sleep
  • Access to EZTapping prompts for additional work to blast past limiting beliefs of money
  • Detailed instructions on basic tapping technique to be used anytime


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40 Day GAP Prompts

40 days of daily journal and tapping prompts emailed directly to consumer for GAP - Growth And Prosperity

297.00 USD

The 40-day Growth, Abundance, and Prosperity program!

Welcome to the program! You should have an e-mail in your inbox that gives an introduction to the program.

Tomorrow and for 40-days you will receive an e-mail that will give a journal prompt and a tapping guide with prompt.

Thank you for the purchase and enjoy your growth.

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Two Person with Discount

Training for two concurrent participants

497.00 USD

The 40-day Growth, Abundance, and Prosperity program!

Welcome to the program! You should have an e-mail in your inbox that gives an introduction to the program.

Tomorrow and for 40-days you will receive an e-mail that will give a journal prompt and a tapping guide with prompt.

Thank you for the purchase and enjoy your growth.
