Sign up for my FREE bitesize Support series that reveals how conscious parents can start to create a calmer, happier family life, by learning simple practical & mindset tools that work.

Have you ever tried to help your child when they get upset, but instead of them calming down it’s got worse instead of better? You are left wondering “what did I do?” But worst of all, powerless to help them. (I hate that feeling!)

"things can change, there is help and it's simpler than you think."

"Over the 4 days I will teach you what it takes to 

move from frustrated and powerless 

to confident and calm."

What to expect:

  • I'll email you a breakdown of each day.
  • You’ll get a free workbook to keep
  • Join me live each day after the kids go to bed in the evening (replay available)
  • You'll learn the 7 things that parents and carers do that aggravate tantrums and meltdowns, so you can avoid them.

I'm an Amazon best selling author of the Awakening Legacy book, and have supported parents for 12 years with creating healthy family dynamics and respectful communication.
I bring a transformational combination of gentle parenting, mindset, energy mastery and business strategy. All so you can enjoy consciously creating your family and business legacies. My vision is for our children to grow up in a world of possibility, where conscious legacy creation is the norm. I'm on a mission to empower parents with tools to help your children, and yourself be happier, calmer & free to be you. 

You don't have to settle for just surviving. I can help you to thrive!

I am an experienced speaker, podcaster & author, with a background in Theatre and TV. I have been featured on:

You can follow Sarah on
