What is Included in Your Guide:

Birth Chart

the key to discovering your inner self. Reveal overall patterns, strengths and weaknesses.

Arrows of Individuality

Discover and understand the unique aspects of your individuality

Ruling Number

Also known as a life path number, represents the primary pathway you will undertake.

Day Number

Your day number represents self-expression and characteristics in an aligned state. This also brings a sense of balance along your life path.

Numerology Name

Your name is a part of our personality and expression. Your name(s) hold insight to your soul urges and outer expression in life + biz.

[PRO] The Pyramids of Maturity

What if I could tell you all about the different peaks in your life? What your path may entail? The Pyramids and their peak numbers provide additional information about specific maturing periods in our lives.

[PRO] Life Phases

Ever curious if there is a pattern to your life? In numerology it is believed that your life follows a 9-year cycle. With a little math and some fun charts we can bring clarity to the vibrational energy of the different MONTHS in your unfolding journey. HOW FREAKIN COOL!

This in-depth 10+ page guide is all about you!

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Numerology Guide

Custom Numerology Report.

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PRO Numerology Guide

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97.00 USD

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