Stay Rooted

In a world that screams for our attention, it's important to stay focused on the Truth and the Way. We need each other for edification and sharpening! Subscribe to the Vine for monthly truth delivered to your inbox.

About the Monthly Vine

As adopted daughters of Yahweh, we're called to be in the world but not of it. In a world full of distraction, it's important to stay focused on the One True God.

The Vine, sent to your inbox once a month, is my way of seeking to help you do just that. We're in this Christian walk together and can help keep one another from slipping and falling.

I'll send you scripture, videos that have helped me, and other resources to strengthen the quality of your personal Bible study time and point you in the direction of sound doctrine rooted in truth.

Subscribe to the Vine

to get faith-centered content for your personal Bible study and edification to your inbox once a month.
