Your Companion Guide to the Podcast Ambitious Audacious Women with ADHD

Exploring what is possible for you when you end the secret shame game and create your own rules and activate your superpowers

Do you remember the butterflies in the tummy feeling with your partner? - You can learn to reconnect and actually look forward to cuddling on the sofa over netflix. Who wants to go through an awful divorce and cut down on your much anticipated vacations/ holidays and ( secret beauty treatments) 

You can be the Rockstar in your business once again, maybe you just need inspiration and someone to collaborate with to get that new brilliant idea and make it happen. Your kids will be sooooo proud

You've always pretended to look after your body and mind, but you've secretly pushed yourself to the limit and you are finally feeling it. Its time to feel energised fit and strong find the zen place and feel sexy in your lingerie.

Successful love+ successful work+ Successful body/mind = Awesome Life

You are first and foremost a woman of the world who suspects or knows she has had the added pressure of ADHD challenging her in so many areas of her life, a woman that also recognises the superpowers that she thought everyone else had! 
